Mommywise Coach: I know how much you love the Merlin, but we don’t recommend it for sleep training because of XYZ (see above). We’ve tried the Merlin and Zen sack for sleep training (parents request) but it’s always a version of this: I know you might be terrified about rolling and rely on these products to keep your baby safely sleeping on their back, but you really shouldn’t use them ever for sleep training. Weighted sleep garments like the Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit and the Nested Bean Zen Sack should also not be used for sleep training. (Then you’ll be so traumatized that you’ll probably just just throw in the towel and rock your baby to sleep again. They can’t sit up and blow their nose like we can, so your baby might need to vomit up all the extra phlegm stuck in their throat.
#Nested bean zen swaddle cons full#
If your baby’s crying while stuck on their back, excess mucus can cause them to gag or choke, especially at bedtime after a full feed. If your baby wants to roll and suck their hands but can’t, their cries are real and will escalate. Think of it from your baby’s position: How would it feel to be wrapped like a burrito at bedtime and couldn’t move around to get comfortable? Your baby also needs access to their hands to suck for self-soothing, and full range of movement so they can get into a comfortable position. (At which point you’ll freak out, rush in to remove the swaddle, and scratch your head and think, “OK now what?”). If your baby’s bound in a swaddle, the fabric might end up covering their face. And, babies move a lot when they’re learning to self-soothe. When your baby is swaddled or in weighted sleep wear, their ability to move is limited. None of the baby sleep aid products are safe for sleep training (read more safe sleep training tips in last week’s blog). For example, a swaddle or weighted sleep garment might help your baby sleep better now, but they’re not safe for sleep training. What your baby wears for sleep training is crucial for their safety, and your chances of sleep training success. Here’s what we know from over 10 years of observing babies through sleep training – with our own eyes!